Exceptional podcast! I have been so disappointed in Louisiana’s State Democratic Party for their lack of support for Democratic candidates and for leaving races uncontested. Every GOP Congressman should have an opponent every 2 years. Both our Senators should have opponents every election. Every Republican state representative and senator should have opposition. Make them spend money and run. Don’t hand them a victory. Schedule debates. Make them accountable for tax cuts. Make them answer for not objecting when the Governor refuses federal dollars to feed hungry kids.

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Exactly, Kathie! We can’t make progress if we don’t show up in every community, and force Republicans to fight for every seat. It’s my mission in life to make sure the folks who are willing to run in these really tough red districts aren’t doing it alone. 💙

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Go Michele ! So many needs, so little time before the elections. Knowing that Mike Johnson is running unopposed, again — he was not elected — puts a brining knot in my gut. Kevin McCarthy’s seat has two R candidates. The DNC is clearly not doing even the minimum, in my assessment, but there is no time.

Is there even a ghost of a chance for a real write-in strategy ? Or . . . ? — thanks, b.rad

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Unfortunately I think it would be tough to launch a write in strategy at this point. But now is a great time to start supporting the candidates that we do have running in ruby red districts - and not just because it helps them make progress in this election. It’s important because when we start recruiting for 2026, folks will see that we are serious about helping everyone, which makes it easier for them to throw their hat in the ring.

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Thanks, I agree whole heartedly . . . and not just for the future. We have been staring at a dire, distressing, depressing situation . . . not for me, I was super enthusiastic for Biden with Harris, but I could see the clouds and the fog . . .

But the most important voter last time was ‘did not vote.’

Enthusiasm, awareness, and fierce patriotism can bring out voters who will vote for the declaration and principles and the idea of this our great country. . . but *only if* a progressive candidate is on the ballot . . . !

What you said, and then some! — thanks, b.rad

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ps those who have been paying attention know we need something dramatic this year - Project 2024 . . . in many states, it is very hard to see how we get beyond this year with a full democratic republic and full voting rights in those states, for 2026 . . . every group is a democracy, but some do it a hell of a lot better than others . . . many of our states have been thrown back to 1950, *this year* . . . with the goal of throwing us back to 1850, as I see their conduct already.

For 10 years I have been trying to get our leaders to talk about our wealth; I think we have exchanged messages about that. <uswealthclock.com>

The Biggest Lie will come up again soon, with the votes to fund 'the government.' ( I have met the government, and it is us . . . that's a 1776 thing )

We will see R after R get up on our House floor and say we are broke, or insolvent, or bankrupt, it goes on and on. The Biggest Lie, the lie that the Big Lie aimed to serve, with all the other lying liars.

We have $151 Trillion of net household wealth. We have about $35 Trillion of federal obligations. We are so amazingly solvent. We have so much opportunity, and so much opportunity for growth and investment and prosperity across almost every household. Regular people need to know the lie, and how big the lie is. It's not because I say so; the Fed counts it, not me. Source links <uswealthclock.com>

Since I started my personal campaign, 10 years ago, our net wealth has grown from around $80 Trillion, that is it has increased $70 Trillion. With a T. Our federal obligations, not all debt technically, some we 'owe to ourselves,' increased about $17 Trillion. One of those numbers is a hell of a lot bigger than the other, and shows what has happened, and what could happen.

Our federal obligations include so much bad debt - debt for Iraq ( Republican ), debt for Afghanistan ( Republican ), debt for the mortgage meltdown ( Republican ), and debt for Covid ( emergency, made doubly worse by Republican and DonT policies and actions and inactions ).

We can afford to invest in our country, and put almost everybody to work profitably in every corner of our nation. People need to know it, but even our progressive leaders won't tell them. -- signing off, the list of leaders I've talked with directly and otherwise is long -- best luck to US, b.rad

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So inspiring! I’ve donated and you should too! https://everystateblue.org/

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Thank you, Maggie! That means so much – and is incredibly appreciated. 💙

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Like surrendering West Virginia to their MAGA coal baron former governor. Like surrendering electoral power to the small states somehow ties into keeping the slave states on board in breaking away from England. For all I know about history I might as well have grown up in Florida. But I can identify very big lies, like slavery was a skills training program, or Trump doesn’t know the stinkers that researched and wrote project 2025 as a kind of rolodex of MAGA loyalists, or an organizational chart for white christian nationalist supremacy under their bitcoin bosses, or the KKK like Trump’s wealthy redlining daddy. To replace career non partisan public servants and experts in education, homeland security, economics, science, law, justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion, the centers for the study of infectious diseases, national institutes of health, EPA, and special prosecutor Jack Smith and to undo laws like the marine mammal protection act, secqua requirements for public and private land uses, the endangered species act, laws that require environmental impact studies, building requirements for ensuring access to public spaces for people with disabilities. and back to Trump’s daddy, laws to provide equal access to public accomodations, mainstreaming for special education. Name any protection you now enjoy, clean air, clean water, protections against poisoning the land, food safety they are less well protected in authoritarian places like China, North Korea, Russia, Hungary. Texas. I know this is just the worst rough draft of two or more good thoughts. I couldn’t be bothered. The only police we’ll have left will be thought police. Then criminal oligarchs will answer to the most brutal ruthless dictator, Samuel Alito’s unnamed sponsor. Ending with a burn on SA.

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Good work being done.

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