This is so true and it’s scary that no one seems to know or care what kind of very real danger we are all in if trump gets a second term. He’s still a joke to so many and a good guy to probably even more.

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Hunter is the smartest man POTATUS knows.

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Yup and he’s gonna take it like a man. I can even start on the low Barr… for soooo many reasons.

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I haven't been following the right-wing take on Hunter's conviction at all, beyond reading about nutso theories that Biden threw Hunter under the bus to...well, do what? A chance to show that he is a loving Dad who understands the rule of law and hasn't said one blinkin' word about retribution? How absolutely nefarious of Joe. Can't wait for Alito to say he threw wifey under bus because of President Biden's sterling example.

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