I have LONG called it "implausible deniability," from the escalator speech onward. "And some, I assume, are good people" is the classic line that no one who has heard the dog whistles pays any attention to.

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WTF is the case for giving Trump the benefit of the doubt? Why do some of his “non-defenders” not even want him to explain himself before rushing to his defense?

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Trump gets away with this for 2 reasons: 1. failure of media to figure out how to cover and report on a President who lies at a historic level; and 2. failure of Democratic party to respond and counter attack.

Amanda Carpenter, a Cruz, campaign staffer, wrote the best book explaining Trump's campaign tactics. As you read Carpenter, you have to keep in mind she worked for Cruz during the 2016 primary cycle. She predicted how he lies, denies, projects blame onto others, takes credit for things, and more.

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Democrats need to take a page out of Trump‘s book. He has succeeded largely by repetition. He continues to repeat the same lies until they seep into the consciousness of his supporters. Trump’s opponents need to do the same thing. Relentlessly and ruthlessly, they must remind Americans over and over again what Trump’s election would mean.

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By the way, that old demon’s ear sure healed nicely.

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And that’s why I’m in love with Kamala calling him WEIRD and CRIMINAL every day.

The media is damn near stroking out over it. They don’t want to have to keep printing it because everyone knows their role in normalizing this WEIRD creep.

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Take that

floundering clown


where he gets the hose

prison jumpsuit

then a gift basket

of lotion, lube and condoms 😮

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Here is the question someone needs to ask him, and phrase it exactly like this so he will swallow the hook: “The polls say you will certainly win, but will you leave office in 2028, if there is more that needs doing?”

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