But the bigger truth is, we're even worse at seeing the big picture and acting on it.
The big social truth of 1970-2025 is, White men wo college lost big, while Blacks, LGTBQ & women did a little better than they had.
This happened because the top 1% (mainly the top 0.01%) has taken $50 TRILLION from the bottom 90%, and is still taking, while antidiscrimination laws have improved things a bit for minorities & women.
Sad to say, Dems are bad at framing.
But the bigger truth is, we're even worse at seeing the big picture and acting on it.
The big social truth of 1970-2025 is, White men wo college lost big, while Blacks, LGTBQ & women did a little better than they had.
This happened because the top 1% (mainly the top 0.01%) has taken $50 TRILLION from the bottom 90%, and is still taking, while antidiscrimination laws have improved things a bit for minorities & women.
Poor Whites are feeling it, and they're dying because of it. tinyurl.com/NYT2020DeathsOfDespair
Republicans convinced poor Whites they lost to women, gays & POC rather than the billionaires stealing their lunch.
And Democrats have been complicit with this. We've tried to reverse inequality a little, but we don't DARE bite the billionaire hands feeding the DNC.
You can gold plate a dog turd, but it's still a turd.
Democrats are telling the bottom 90% their dog turd is really a steak. No matter how we try to frame it, they're not buying it any more.
The Democratic Party has been corrupted/seduced by Big Money, and everybody but the DNC sees it.
A majority of voters see the Dem party representing the wealthy, because it's true.
We're good at convincing ourselves we're ok.