Anti democratic efforts to roll back civil rights gains were never a surprise. Quickly, our country saw the rise of private schools or swimming pools. Whether Rosa Parks, Brown v. Board or federal 64, 65 and 68 laws, there was always pushback.Unfortunately, the supports of a more inclusive society were not very original in their defense of these gains and the importance of government in maintaining and furthering these gains. Supporters continue to fail to respond to constant attacks on all government (when is the last time you heard any public America explain or defend government, esp. Federal govt. Still, today, there is a shortage of reaching out to Americans on how we all benefit from diversity and inclusion. DEI supporters still make that mistake. The attacks on civil rights is neither original or creative; the appropriation of conservative legal movements stole the high ground of "freedom" to advocate for their version of freedom

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The 5 oh 6 Despicables. I didn’t notice the worst of them all sitting on the floor. For a brief second I thought, he finally bit the dust.

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I think the Biden and now Harris campaign did and will now more directly and effectively advocate for the inclusive idea of American society and the more active and progressive idea of American government. The question is how hard we as Americans are willing to fight for that vision. We know the Trumpism Right are willing to fight using violence, intimidation, and the corrupting power of money to keep their version going.

There’s nothing legitimate or fair about how they’ve played this game, and their accusations of Democrats’ “lawfare” is projection at its finest. If this newly energized Democratic blue wave for Harris sweeps the November elections, are the Democrats going to relax…or push to reverse the damage done by the Federalist Society®️Supreme Court.

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