Excellent podcast on how the Supreme Court became so corrupt and what we can do to fix it.

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Great deep dive into the whodunnits and how SCOTUS got to where it is. At the same time it’s a scathing exposé about what happens when both sides of a debate aren’t playing by the same rules. Th D’s are wising up with the Harris/Walz attacks on Trump/Vance but the entire D regime needs to do the same at the strategic and tactical levels. I’m hopeful it’s not too late.

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Agreed. They're fighting a war. We need to adopt that strategic and tactical mindset.

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Yes. Exceptional podcast. Thank you.

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Aug 16Liked by L O L G O P

Thx for this information. regarding ‘originalism’, it seems the underpinnings of the foundational Declaration of Independence are missing; it clearly states the Evolving nature of democracy and that adding amendments Is the way to create ongoing bettering towards the more perfect union.

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Commenting so I can find this when I’m at my desk.

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Thanks - ‘The Scheme’ by your old boss is a great book, though it was hard to read, I had to stomp around and snort and breathe deeply after every chapter, even though I knew some of it from his talks.

Buying DC is way too cheap. We talk about billions as if that’s a lot of money, and it is for one person, but We the People have trillions. The Warren court was a miracle; SCOTUS has not been a friend to citizens for most of our history. It should be. We got used to the exception, but since 2000 Bush v Gore it has been a disaster.

Ethics and oversight and term limits are not going to keep the Feudalist Society and the rest of that lot from forcing their groomed usurpers onto the whole federal judiciary.

We need to demand that SCROTUS and Barrett, the 6, resign, or be removed, and the Fifth Circuit, and Cannon, and every Feudalist judiciary plant.

We can’t accept this situation, and say ‘oh well, they’ll be gone one of these days, this is just the way the system works . . . we will pass some rules.’. It is not acceptable law, this is gangster law.

We can see the vile corruption and its many, many anti-Constitutional results, as regular citizens. It’s nuts, it’s not normal. We can cite many decisions about daily life, it what it’s about is money control of our country. It’s our money.

Again, we need clear, strong demands with incisive plans to reset this vile situation. For that, we need overwhelming progressive representation in the Senate, and clear eyed forceful majority in the House, and a patriot in the White House.

That won’t be easy, but weak, unenforceable guidelines and toothless rules will not work, and just as important, they won’t get votes.

thoughts? — thanks! best luck to US, b.rad

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