Yes, we have glorified technology in Western culture and consequently STEM for so long now that we treat techies like geniuses. I think that is a mistake for a number of reasons, but that is not the real topic here. Musk, like Trump, is a con man who had inherited wealth to steal and rape a path to success (Tesla for one). He learned how to steal a company from daddy I'm sure. Yes, he was a nerdy little weasel who also liked video games because nerds are very competitive and also bored IRL so they gamify everything to keep themselves entertained. No real life growth= adolescent forever as we observe. But they do level up, trying to be king of the hill the old game that kids used to play.

The white collar criminals taking over the world like Trump and Putin are the real problems. They use nationalism, ideologies and religion, and tech (and tech bros) as tools.

We have been in a coup d'tat since the 2016 election is my observation. My only consolation with observing this horror show is that these vying ideological factions will eventually destroy each other in the competition for power and territory. However, the global crime bosses are counting on that, too. They will then manipulate the outcomes to their own advantage.

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Some Senator or Congressperson or a group of them need to go into the locations where Musk has his people (sleeping and working overnight) reworking the computer systems and demand to get in = with news cameras rolling. Just like you mentioned at the border, this needs to happen at the inside of the government offices that are being compromised.

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Yep, Come in with the cameras, catch the hackers playing with our Treasury! 🚔🗝️🇺🇸

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Andrea , This is the best overview of our current transition to a new form of government in our United States of America. For those who want to understand the bigger plan and how important it is to take action right Now, you have given summary, motivation and strategy. I will be forwarding your message to all my contacts.

Thank you 💫

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