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I have repeatedly hired myself & been banned no less than a dozen times. I was banned on Facebook for saying white people are so dumb...and they are. If you look at the decisions made & the lack of action on very important issues, it's true. I also had another 6+ profiles on Facebook--all got banned. On Twitter I had half a dozen as well. Whenever I got a good thing going I would get reported & banned & lose my account. They call what I do "bullying" because of how annoyed I get when people spread lies & propaganda & deny the truth. I called them "know-nothings" because they usually don't know anything about politics. Most people don't understand that politics is more of an art than a science, but then they would also realize that Fox has been lying to half of America for 30 years & nobody has tried to go back to regulating network news (so we'd have a place to get the truth). I guess it's all just too hard to get the FCC to do something to protect U.S. democracy, after they were the ones who repealed the regs to allow Fox in.

Glad you're here....& I'm still here too.

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