An elderly teacher of both Latin and Greek said of a collegiate education, “If your education does not cause you to question everything you once thought true, it’s not doing its job.” That discussion led to another truth comparing faith to knowledge: “Faith is what you Believe. Knowledge is what you Know, as in the sciences—things that are demonstratively provable.”

Rest in honored peace, Winthrop Richardson, whose scope of learning was matched by his many kindnesses.

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Don’t forget the mis-use of religion by the MAGA forces … it is a key part of the coalition of evil that is the Republican Corporation, LLC (Lies, Lawlessness, Cruelty).

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CNN msnbc viewership is not crashing bc we all decided that politics isn’t worth our time. It’s crashing bc it folded in the face of actual journalistic integrity. We have realized that we need a media environment that doesn’t sane wash for ad dollars - who doesn’t draw false equivalencies- who doesn’t focus on the distractions with a heavy dose of cocksure arrogance - and who holds the line on facts.

Instead, CNN and msnbc (like FoxLIES) went for profit/ratings.

We’re all paying the price.

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Yeah, that would be nice. I fear it's more apathy and burnout. I don't think most CNN and MSNBC viewers are activated the way you depict. But who knows.

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I’m sure you’re right.

So disillusioned with people.

They’re turning out the light.

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Genocide is deployed, because it works to accomplish the dictator’s will, usually less expensively than other means of subjugation of targeted groups. The methods are duplicated again and again across time and place. Why? Because the same vulnerabilities exist across humankind.

Yes, in the Spanish-American War, concentration camps were used. An illustrated article appears in Harpers Magazine of the time.

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“So, how do we fight back? We’re not billionaires capable of building massive propaganda apparatus. Well, you are, George. But not the rest of us.”

*cough* *cough* Check out the self-hosted tools at https://owncast.online and https://joinpeertube.org perhaps. With all the tech oligarchs visiting Mar-A-Lago it probably would be a good idea to have alternative distribution pathways ready. Another good one is https://castopod.org/ too.

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Thanks, Stephen! These are new to me.

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