This was a great interview. I want to add to one part of the discussion. "Civility is a tactic, not a virtue" as it relates to the Christian Nationalist worldview (which Jeff Landry most certainly is.)

In Christian Nationalism, congregants are gaslit constantly. People are not allowed to disagree with leaders. When they do, they are publicly shamed or humiliated, reprimanded, told they have "bad attitudes," or they "need to get their hearts right with God," or they "haven't been steeped in enough Bible-reading and prayer." The extreme is running people out of these churches.

Christo-fascist politicians have adopted these tactics when dealing with the public. Labeling people who disagree with them "uncivil" is one way to gaslight people, very much in the "you have a bad attitude" vein.

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Cool connection. I think there's also somewhat interesting comparison here between Christian Nationalists the way Bob describes college administrations. The whole system is designed to manifest cowardice.

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May 12Liked by L O L G O P

This was an excellent read at an opportune time. IRL I've been hitting my head against a proverbial wall at work, feeling like the problems my team members face daily aren't being suitably handled by our VPs & above. Furthermore our company gave 2% raises to people after trumpeting our increased profitability ($4B for FY23); when I raised the disconnect between the two points I was told by upper management “It could have been worse; we could have had to fire people.”

I couldn't rationalize why they were all content with the status quo until reading this interview. Mann summed it up perfectly - The leaders are cowards; they've set themselves up for continued success as long as they don't rock the boat which means labor suffers. That is not leadership though, it's managing in the age of late stage capitalism.

Thank you for giving me a new frame work to think these things through!

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May 12·edited May 12Author

Thanks! Love this connection I could have never imagined. I've been thinking this interview really merged the political with everything more than any I've done. And this points to that.

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May 10Liked by L O L G O P

I learned a lot. Thx

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