Apr 6Liked by L O L G O P

My “pursuit of happiness” would be to make sure project 2025 is never implemented.

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Apr 6Liked by L O L G O P

They are publishing this shit out in the open- yet the ride or die repubs tell us "YoU'rE jUsT bEiNg HySteRiCaL!"

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There is so much wrong with Project 2025. Why does it think that banning abortion and perhaps contraceptives is going to REDUCE the number of children born to unmarried women?

The one that would amuse me if it weren't so scary is "Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children," Last I heard "pornography" has to appeal to a prurient interest. Just whose prurient interest is being appealed to by "transgender ideology?" Probably not the kids. Nor that of anyone who doesn't feel any allure of transgenderism. Unless a personal "yich" is considered prurient--the part about "but if it works for you fine" is the part about liberty and freedom.

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