The Cause
How are you feeling about democracy?
“The art of taming a racist troll” with Seth Cotlar

“The art of taming a racist troll” with Seth Cotlar

What a fascist who briefly led the Oregon Republican Party in the 1970s can tell us about how a racist troll took over the GOP.

You probably don’t know the name Walter Huss, but you certainly see his vision of the world alive today in the modern Republican Party.

Seth Cotlar is a historian of the US Right teaching at Willamette University in Salem, OR, who is writing a book based on the 57 boxes of archival material from Walter Huss found at the University of Oregon library. 

In his fantastic newsletter Rightlandia, Seth digs into Huss’ life, which includes a sudden rise to the top of the Oregon Republican Party followed by a nearly as sudden demise, along with a lifetime of trying to make a career and spark an uprising by weaponizing doubt against the government, medical science, and any minority group he could find, except fascists. Because, as you may have guessed, Huss was a fascist.

Seth’s recent piece “The Art of the Racist Troll, ca. 1987reads like a Coen Brothers movie about a Republican Party that once had an immune system that functioned enough to reject parasites like Huss. And it got me thinking about how we’re a coinflip from being ruled by a racist troll again.

Seth gives us an outline of Huss’ story and why it matters. Then he indulges me in spitballing about what we could learn from Huss about defeating Donald Trump. Plus, Seth offers an excellent definition of democracy informed by his work on Thomas Paine, the greatest non-racist troll of all time.

Catch up on all the episodes of “How are you feeling about democracy?” here.

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The Cause
How are you feeling about democracy?
Each week we'll ask one expert how they are feeling about democracy and dig into what we need to know to help save it. Hosted by earlyworm's Jason Sattler AKA @LOLGOP.