The Cause
How are you feeling about democracy?
“Terrified of becoming the next Wisconsin” with David Pepper

“Terrified of becoming the next Wisconsin” with David Pepper

Ohio Republicans are clinging to gerrymandering like their extremism depends on it. Because it does.

You’re probably not following the details of the fake controversy Ohio’s Republicans have generated around Joe Biden appearing on November’s ballot. And you shouldn’t be.

That’s David Pepper’s job. The former chair of Ohio’s Democratic Party is now working with Blue Ohio to make sure Democrats show up everywhere in the state. 

He gives us a brief on the current controversy and connects it to the bigger picture: Ohio’s Republicans are terrified of letting democracy work in the state. They don’t want to get new maps the way Michigan and Wisconsin have. They want to pick their voters, not the other way around. Because otherwise, they might lose.

After listening to this episode, you’ll be convinced that Ohio’s GOP may be the most anti-democratic force in any swing state. And you’ll know at least one way to fight back.

Catch up on all the episodes of “How are you feeling about democracy?” here.

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The Cause
How are you feeling about democracy?
Each week we'll ask one expert how they are feeling about democracy and dig into what we need to know to help save it. Hosted by earlyworm's Jason Sattler AKA @LOLGOP.